Saturday, October 10, 2009


Thank you for standing up for the Arctic! With your help, The Wilderness Society and partner groups delivered an astounding 280,000 letters to the Obama administration last month, asking for a roll-back of Bush-era plans to open sensitive Arctic waters to oil and gas development. Together we sent a resounding message to the Department of the Interior, which we hope will result in a science-based plan for the Arctic's future. Much more work remains to be done to ensure that the Arctic ecosystem is protected. But thanks to the generosity of so many WildAlert subscribers, we are better fortified to do the work that will lead to that outcome.
And more positive news on an initiative we recommended to the new administration to help address climate change on our landscapes. For the first time ever, the Interior Secretary has directed the agency to set up a new mechanism for the diverse land management agencies within the Department to address climate change in an integrated, coordinated way.
Did you catch the Ken Burns series The National Parks: America's Best Idea on PBS last week? In his usual brilliant fashion, Burns captures the passion of place that has inspired so many of us to care for our national lands, and reminds us how very fortunate we are to have them. Burns recently sat down with us to discuss his documentary. Watch the interview here.
If you're seeking a bit of inspiration today, click here to take a walk through wilderness, courtesy of our wilderness photo

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